An Integral Part of Wilderness Traverse
Volunteers are crucial to the success of any outdoor, endurance sporting event, but especially Adventure Racing. In no other sport will a participant benefit from the support and words of encouragement that a volunteer can provide. My goal is to create a volunteer team who will enjoy ever-lasting memories, coupled with a profound sense of accomplishment, while helping teams reach the finish line. Whether you're seeking more information about the sport, are curious to experience a behind-the-scenes look at event management, or simply want to enjoy a purposeful weekend in the great outdoors, we have many volunteer roles to choose from. Volunteers should be: outgoing, willing to take a leadership role, have great interpersonal skills, and should enjoy spending time in the outdoors. All volunteers will receive: an event t-shirt, meals for the weekend (or a per diem), free-entry into the awards banquet, free camping, and have some expenses covered (i.e. gas).
To register as a volunteer, send an e-mail to bob"at"wildernesstraverse"dot"ca with a few details about yourself, along with the volunteer roles you'd be most interested in experiencing.

Volunteer Roles
Checkpoint (CP) / Transition Area (TA) Staff
CP staff are extremely important to help track teams progress along the course. They provide vital information about the wellbeing of participants, and are also the first to raise the alarm if a team is overdue. CP's are typically located in remote areas, and often times require a hike, bike, paddle, or ATV ride into their location. CP Staff should be prepared to spend at least 12-hours (sometimes more, sometimes less) manning their checkpoint.
Gear Transport Crew
The Gear Transport Crew (GTC) is vital for keeping the event flowing, and for ensuring team gear is where it needs to be. GTC members should be prepared to load & un-load bikes and gear-bins multiple times over the course of the weekend. They should also be comfortable reading road maps, interpreting directions, operating a VHF Radio, and driving a 26' truck. GTC crews will see a lot of the race-course and will view teams on multiple occasions.
Emergency Services Team
We require First-Aid practitioners who enjoy the outdoors and are comfortable applying their skills in a wilderness setting. A working knowledge of the ailments faced in ultra-endurance competitions would also be beneficial. Typical members of our Emergency Services Team are: Doctors, Nurses, EMT's, Firefighter's, Ski-Patrollers, Wilderness First Responders and Search and Rescue practitioners. Most Emergency Services personnel are stationed at Transition Areas, however, we also have a mobile team capable of accessing remote areas via 4x4, ATV, power-boat, or on foot.
Logistics Coordinators
Stationed at the event Headquarters for the weekend, the Logistics Coordinators will oversee all operations, communications and movement throughout the event. This includes covering; Team tracking, CP/TA Staff locations, Gear Transport Crews and Media Liaisons.