Sunrise at 7:15
6 am finishing teams:
Team 26 (GRIT Racing) no longer have to grit their teeth as they complete at 6:07
Team 13 (Kinetic) energize through the finish at 6:18
Team 7 (Attack From Above) Parachute through the tunnel at 6:33
Team 44 (Raid Pulse) raid the showers at 6:48
Team 19 (NextGen[youth]) show us why they are the future at 6:56
Team 37 (Raving Mad) give the fans something to rave about at 6:57
Team 56 (Race Day Rush) feel the rush of finishing at 7:04
Team 60 (Sole Brothers) pad through the finish at 7:14
Team 16 (Great Lakes AR) put in a great time at 7:24
Team 35 (Thunder Baybes) bring the thunder at 7:27
Team 51 (Coldwater Racing) have the water cooler dumped over their heads at 7:32
Team 18 (MLCO - RFM) spells victory in their alphabet soup at 7:39
6 am teams to roll across CP12:
Team 52 (Certain Death [rookie]) certainly show their mettle at 6:16
Team 69 (Made in Poland) make their way past at 6:16
Team 15 (Left at the Tree, Right at the rock) rock through the CP at 6:17
Team 20 (Route Roulette) take their chances at 6:22
Team 64 (Jetpack Monkeys) Jet through the checkpoint at 6:23
Team 32 (Rock Hoppers) hop into the forest at 6:27
Team 1 (Always a walker) runs, not walk though at 7:02
Team 24 (The Defiants) defy the odds and press on at 5:02 (Team mentioned the swim is better than falling out of the canoe)
Team 36 (2 Beads and a guy) yell a barbaric yop at 7:33
Team 12 (Fireducks [rookie]) set the trail ablaze at 7:46